Category: About Yoga

How Yoga is Different from other forms of Exercise

What does the word yoga mean to you? You might think yoga is just stretching. Or, maybe some images come to your mind of people in crazy, bendy, gymnast positions and arm balances. Yes, yoga involves moving the body into specific postures, or asanas, but yoga is different from other forms of exercise. How so?…
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Prescription Drugs vs. Yoga as Treatment for Depression

  Millions of people around the world suffer from depression each day. In fact, major depressive disorder (MDD) is the leading cause of disability in the United States for people ages 15 to 44. [1. “Facts & Statistics | Anxiety and Depression Association of America.” Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA. ADAA, n.d. Web.]…
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How to Meditate with Mala Beads

A Mala is a strand of beads, usually 108, that is used for meditation or prayer. Mala meditation, known as Japa, involves the repetition of a mantra, divine power’s name, prayer or intention. The specific practice of using beads has its roots in the Buddhist and Hindu religions, although various forms of repetitive prayer are used in most of the world’s religions. Mala…
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New to Yoga? Read this.

  Advice for Yoga Beginners If you’re new to yoga and want to find out what it’s all about before you start your practice, this post is especially for you. Years ago, I would have never pictured myself as a yoga instructor. Some people fall in love with yoga the first time they try it. I was not…
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